Johan Becerra
Johan Becerra is a veterinarian owner of “BECLOVE KENNELS”. He is licensed by The Federación Canófila de Puerto Rico (FCPR) (member of the FCI) and certified to judge all breeds. As a canine judge, He has judged in numerous countries, including: Venezuela, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Spain, El Salvador, Guatemala, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Australia, Estonia, Latvia, South Africa, Puerto Rico and USA.
In 1980, he registered his first breed, Great Danes, and bred two litters. By 1986, he acquired his first Neapolitan Mastiff, which bred and show with great success. The Venezuelan Kennel Club awarded him with his first medal as breeder of the year. He worked as handler for several breeds including, the breed that will launch his career internationally, Basset Hounds. His passion for this breed originated during this time.
After finishing several champions for other kennels, he ventured into his own kennel and began actively breeding Basset Hounds. By 1992 he bred his first litter and since then he have continued, with much determination, the selection and exhibition of these dogs.
He has own, breed and shown numerous dogs within the Basset Hound breed, under his international affix, ”BECLOVE” Many of these have become champions in Venezuela, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United States among other countries. Some of them are Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show and Group winners. He has won over 70 All Breed Best in Shows with his own dogs, Specialty Best in Shows and many group first and placements. He has also bred and own several world champions and international champions.
Several of his Basset Hounds have won Best Dog All Breeds in Venezuela for the years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2002. And In Puerto Rico Best Dog All Breed 2004, 2005 and 2006.
Currently he works in Nestle - Infant Nutrition, in Puerto Rico.